Physique Transformation Success Strategy To Lose Weight or Build Lean Muscle

Want a simple success strategy to lose weight, sculpt lean muscle, and have the body you want and deserve, that doesn’t rely on motivation or tricks.

Don’t be fooled. While this strategy is simple, it’s powerful enough to change your physique. And your life.

Motivation Doesn’t Last

Has this happened to you before?

You’re excited. This time is going to be different. You’re going to transform your body once and for all.

Day one comes and you’re out of the gates like a thoroughbred racehorse.

However, by week two your mojo has evaporated.

Maybe you hang in there a bit longer, but motivation always runs out before you reach your goal.

It’s not your fault.

And the issue isn’t new.

Motivational speaker Zig Ziglar knows it. He admits it…

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”

As Zig eluded to, motivation doesn’t last. Subsequently, willpower runs out. So, relying on either to keep your workouts and diet on track is a battle you’ll lose.

Some Days You’re Not Feeling It.

Weight Loss Success Motivation Chart

Staying motivated is difficult. Especially if it has to come from within.

The days you need motivation the most, are the days it’s impossible to conjure up. Ironically, the days you don’t need any motivation, you have an endless supply.

But you’re in luck.

Motivation is overrated.

According Atomic Habits author James Clear, motivation doesn’t work.

His research uncovered a study that found a motivational presentation didn’t have an impact on behavior. The motivation group performed less exercise than the control group.

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Success strategy to combat lags in motivation.

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld has a simple solution to combat lags in motivation. It so simple, it’s surprising how well it works.

I came across Seinfeld’s solution a while back reading an interesting article on It outlined Seinfeld’s drop dead simple success strategy.

Using this method the comedian/actor became one of the most successful comedians of all time. He’s…

  • earned 267 million dollars. In just 1 year.
  • become one of the most successful comedians of all-time.
  • written and produced one of the most popular sitcoms in history.

I know.

Writing jokes and being funny doesn’t have anything to do with weight loss, building muscle, or getting the body of your dreams.

One look at the guy and you can tell he’s not a fitness nut. He has that dreaded skinny fat look. I’m not building much of a case for his Success Strategy am I?

But hang in there.

His trick for success is applicable to you and your pursuit for the perfect body. It has the potential to make all the difference in the world.

So before you dismiss this powerful strategy because of the source, give me a minute, and hear me out.

Guaranteed weight loss

I guarantee it’s an effective strategy anyone can use to build muscle, bring up lagging body parts, or even burn off stubborn body fat.

It’s so simple and effective you can use it to banish your belly, get lean and fit or use to it to build muscle and get stronger.

It even works on those stubborn spots like the love handles. Or getting 6 pack abs.

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Super Simple Seinfeld Success Strategy

Jerry’s secret Success Strategy was revealed during a chance encounter back stage of a comedy club.

One night, Brad, an up and coming comedian spots Seinfeld, and seizes the opportunity to get advice form one of the best.

Brad asks his fellow comedian…

“any tips for a young comic.”

Jerry responds with what seems like a smart aleck answer…

“to be a better comic, create better jokes”

seinfeld strategy for the perfect body

Not to leave the struggling comedian hanging Seinfeld continues…

“the way to create better jokes is to write every day.”

Jerry then went on to explain the magic behind the Seinfeld Success Strategy.

Big Red Magic MarkerIn short, it goes like this…

put a big red X over that day.

Jerry continued…

“After a few days you’ll have a chain. Just keep at it and the chain will grow longer every day. You’ll like seeing that chain, especially when you get a few weeks under your belt.

Your only job is to not break the chain.”

The Power Behind The Seinfeld Success Strategy

Did you notice…

  • it didn’t mater if Jerry was in the mood or not.
  • didn’t matter if the jokes were funny or not.
  • it didn’t even matter if any of the materiel would ever see the light of day.

All that mattered was keeping the chain going.

Take a second and read the line again.

Let it sink in.

Too often we’re looking for instant results. How to lose 5 pounds of belly fat and an inch off our waist overnight. Or how to add 1″ to our arms in a workout.

Anthony Robbins said…

“It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.”

Making The Super Simple Seinfeld Success Strategy Work For You

You can apply this same Strategy to lose those stubborn pounds and get back in shape. Or you can use it to add slabs of new muscle to those lagging body parts.

Seinfeld’s success and your success aren’t about individual results or quick fixes. It’s all about consistency. Creating a habit of success.

It’s not about finding the best exercise or workout routine.

It’s not about finding the best sets or reps.

It’s not about magic foods or the the newest supplements.

It’s all about consistency.

Not breaking the chain.

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What To Do When Things Don’t Go Right

Most people lose hope and fall off the wagon after disappointing results.

How do you feel after a week’s worth of hard work and the scale moves in the wrong direction?

A bad workout, even a bad day at work can derail things.

Don’t worry, this is normal. Everyone runs into bumps. But those who look good when when the clothes drop to the floor focus on the chain. Not the bumps.

Remember Seinfeld’s success strategy. He didn’t care if the jokes were bad. He didn’t care if another sole would ever see them. It was all about the habit of writing daily. Keeping his chain going.

The same applies to you and your success habits. Don’t let a bump in the road derail your dream.

The day after a bad workout or poor results…

it’s business as usual. The diet doesn’t change. The workout doesn’t change.

All that matters is that chain continues.

Try it.

Pick up a calendar. Stick to the ONE task that moves you forward and closer to your goal. And start your chain.

Choose Wisely

With Seinfeld’s Super Simple Success Strategy, what you choose to focus on makes all the difference.

It’s important to choose something that makes a difference. Something that takes you closer to your goal.

It doesn’t have to be earth shattering.

Jerry made a habit to write. He wasn’t worried about quantity or quality.

So, you don’t worry about setting personal records every time you walk into the gym. Nor is it necessary to follow an extreme low carb 900 calorie diet.

In short, it’s all about consistency.

Not extreme actions.

Some things you may want to try…

  • To improve Your Diet – Tracking your macros. Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats
  • To Build More Muscle – Hit your most stubborn muscle every workout.
  • To Burn Belly Fat – Trade an hour of TV with an hour of walking. Walk everyday.

This is important…

To achieve your physique transformation goals it’s imperative that you pick a task meaningful enough to matter. And, simple enough to sustain.

Selecting meaningful tasks, ones that will give you the most bang for your buck is something covered in more detail in the online coaching program. The beauty of the coaching is that it takes all the guess work out of the equation. It allows you to focus on what matters, not the minute details.

Click below and I’ll help you get in the best shape of your life…

-> How to look like an athlete!

As Kenny Bania would say…

That’s gold Jerry.


Get your magic marker ready.

Coach Jason

Jason, CSCS


don’t worry about daily ups and downs.

Focus on keeping your chain going.

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